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A drone has the potential of taking over a smart TV

  • At a recent hacker conference, security researcher Pedro Cabrera showed how a smart TV could easily be taken over with a drone. As Andy Greenberg explains, "by simply hovering a drone equipped with a software-defined radio near a TV antenna, he can transmit a signal that's more powerful than the one broadcast by legitimate TV networks, overriding the legitimate signal and displaying his own video on the TV." The attack can also be carried out with a stronger amplifier or radio. "If I want to target my neighbor, the easiest way is with an amplifier and a directional antenna, and then for sure my signal will be received much more than strongly than the original one, so my neighbor will get my channel," says Cabrera. "In this case the attack is just a mater of range and amplifiers."

    TOPICS: Smart TV, Drones, Hacking, TV Sets