Season 2 of the anthology series will revolve around “an uncanny specter that menaces a Japanese-American community from its home in Southern California to the internment camps to the war in the Pacific." Alexander Woo, who co-created Season 2 and who will serve as showrunner, says: "I'm deeply honored to be telling a story set in this extraordinary period. We hope to convey the abject terror of the historical experience in a way that feels modern and relevant to the present moment. And the prospect of doing so with a majority Asian and Asian-American cast is both thrilling and humbling." AMC's announcement comes three days after Japanese-American internment camp survivor George Takei wrote an article for Foreign Policy comparing his experience to the Trump administration's immigrant family separation policy. "At least during the internment, my parents were able to place themselves between the horror of what we were facing and my own childish understanding of our circumstances," he wrote.
TOPICS: The Terror, AMC, George Takei, Alexander Woo, Asian Americans and TV, Cancelations, Renewals & Pickups, Trump Presidency