The Emily Spivey-created Southern-based animated series about a family of three generation of women looks different that past shows on Fox's Sunday animation block. "All together, Bless the Harts is a very nice way to round out the revived Animation Domination block, with the new show ably taking up a position once held by King of the Hill," says Kathryn VanArendonk. "The difference — and the reason Bless the Harts makes such a promising addition — is that in previous years, Fox’s Sunday night animated lineup might just as well have been called Male Domination. Its shows, all 14 of them from 2005 to 2014, had male creators (save for Napoleon Dynamite co-creator Jerusha Hess) and male lead characters. Marge Simpson and Linda Belcher are powerful characters, but men have been the main anchor for most of these series, either as single men with a group of friends or as father figures coping with their family members." ALSO: Spivey aimed to make her show distinctive among Fox's animated shows.
TOPICS: Bless the Harts, FOX, Emily Spivey