The CNN anchor announced he tested positive for coronavirus on March 31. On his CNN primetime show Tuesday night, Cuomo said he's still sick. The CDC guidelines suggest that someone who has been battling COVID-19 can come out of self-quarantine if they've gone 72 hours without a fever. On Tuesday's show, Dr. Sanjay Gupta asked Cuomo if he managed to reach the 72-hour mark. "No. I got close. I got to 60," Cuomo said, sounding disappointed. "And I have to be honest, I got a little cocky." Cuomo added: "I started thinking about, 'Oh, great! I can't wait, I want to get retested. Then I'm going to do this and do that.' That's not the way COVID works. The more I learn anecdotally and from the clinicians who are treating it, it comes in waves."
TOPICS: Chris Cuomo, CNN, Cuomo Prime Time, Cable News, Coronavirus