The comedy from Please Like Me's Josh Thomas is like fellow Freeform series Party of Five: "a variation on the teen-screen tradition of the Orphan Emancipation Fantasy...But where its channelmate deals with a socially and financially precarious family, Gonna sets its kids up comfortably," says James Poniewozik. He adds: "If there is a term for gasping, laughing and crying simultaneously, that is what this scene made me do. Gonna is an ’80s-sitcom premise, executed not at all sitcommily. The series explores story lines that practically scream for teen-show melodrama — drinking, drug use, bullying — and treats them with audacity and deft humor. A story arc involving Matilda’s becoming sexually active seems to be barreling toward very-special-episode territory, but takes a left turn into a nuanced, tricky examination of autism and consent."
TOPICS: Everything's Gonna Be Okay, Freeform, Josh Thomas