The groundbreaking sci-fi series premiered on March 19, 1999 on Sci Fi Channel. To celebrate the anniversary, all four seasons and the wrap-up Peacekeeper Wars miniseries were added to Amazon today. And according to Maureen Ryan, Farscape still holds up. "I can report that Farscape’s frelling* magic is intact," says Ryan. "If anything, on a TV scene that still doesn’t have enough energetic, character-driven, risk-taking sci-fi series (aside from my beloved Killjoys, which ends this year), the wild and woolly Farscape continues to stand out. (*One of the first things you’ll notice about Farscape is that it has its own swear words. If you decide to check out the show — and part of the point of this piece is to make sampling it as easy as possible — you will become well acquainted with Farscape’s many exotic curses.)"
TOPICS: Prime Video, Farscape, Retro TV