Season 3 of the comedian's Netflix series should focus on self-reflection and listening, says Lisa Bonos. “Now that Aziz Ansari is caught in a real-life situation that is quite unclear — a first date of his says their night together wasn’t consensual, while he says it was — Master of None’s star and co-creator (with Alan Yang) has an opening to explore the difference between romantic pursuit and coercion As far as we know, this was an isolated incident that probably won’t end Ansari’s career or kill his popular series; the allegations against Ansari are not in Harvey Weinstein or Matt Lauer territory. But his reputation will need some rebuilding. And since Master of None already deals with dating dilemmas, Ansari could use his popular series to explore how courtship could be more consensual.”
TOPICS: Aziz Ansari, Netflix, Master of None, Artie Lange, Louis CK, Sexual Misconduct