Tonight's animated quarantine special, titled "The Politics Episode," would've usually taken seven to eight months to make. But Toronto-based animated studio Smiley Guy, which was enlisted for the job, was able to pull through. “They really blew us away with the speed,” says co-showrunner Gloria Calderón Kellett, who came up with the animated special idea. “It was astounding, truly.” "The Politics Episode" was originally intended to be a live-action episode airing close to the election. To capture the actors' voices, Kellett and fellow co-showrunner Mike Royce sent "a lovely guy in a van” to each of their homes to record using sterilized equipment at a safe distance with Kellett, Royce and director Phil Lewis overseeing via Zoom. "Not creepy,” Kellett promised. Actors who weren't quarantined in Los Angeles, including Rita Moreno and Lin-Manuel Miranda, were mailed microphones, while Gloria Estefan had her own studio. “The live version of the show would’ve involved a lot of CGI and stunt people,” says Royce, referring to the episodes flashback-style fantasy sequences. “The animation just made it easier, essentially. We were able to amp it up a bit, but we actually surprised ourselves when we looked back at it. We didn’t change any of the bits."
TOPICS: One Day at a Time (2017 series), Pop TV, Gloria Calderon Kellett, Mike Royce, Phil Lewis, Coronavirus