“It’s crazy, right? It’s amazing, I love it,” says creator Katori Hall. As Jackson McHenry explains, Hall uses her theater background to outline a specific idea for the strip club dancing in her script. "In order to get that sequence and the many other strip stunts that fill the show to the screen, P-Valley relies on teams of people in front of and behind the camera to dream up, choreograph, and eventually film each performance, using both body doubles and the show’s actors," says McHenry. "The show’s key figures, including Hall, choreographer Jamaica Craft, stunt coordinator Jennifer Badger, episode director Millicent Shelton, and star Brandee Evans, talked Vulture through what it takes to get ideas from the page to the pole." ALSO: Nicco Annan has been perfecting the Uncle Clifford role since 2009.
TOPICS: P-Valley, Katori Hall, choreography