If Holzhauer continues dominating Jeopardy!, he will have effectively turned Ken Jennings "into Steffi Graf, a generational talent, and crowned himself Serena Williams, a centurial one," says Jeremy Samuel Faust. He adds: "How is Holzhauer doing it? The answer comes down to a combination of knowledge and strategy unseen in 35 seasons of Jeopardy! This is what sets Holzhauer apart from the show’s approximately 14,000 previous contestants. Until now, no player has come close to having Jennings’ memory bank, capable of providing more than 40 correct responses in a single episode, while also having such high command of the game’s strategy. Jeopardy! is not merely a trivia contest decided by who gets the highest number of clues correct. Equally important to ringing in with a correct question (yes, Jeopardy! clues remain answers in search of questions, a gimmick that will live on for as long as the show does) is the ability to work the board." ALSO: Will James Holzhauer actually beat Ken Jennings' Jeopardy! record?
TOPICS: James Holzhauer, Jeopardy!, Ken Jennings, Game Shows