Two of the four-show Marvel animated universe at Hulu are dead. Marvel, with Kevin Fiege having taken over TV projects late last year, has decided to end development of Howard the Duck and Tigra & Dazzler, according to The Hollywood Reporter. "The other two shows in Marvel's original four-show animated comedy universe set up at Hulu — MODOK and Hit Monkey — will continue on as planned," reports The Hollywood Reporter's Lesley Goldberg. "Animated crossover The Offenders is also unlikely to move forward given that half the combined universe has been scrapped. Still, the character of Howard the Duck has had several cameos in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and it's likely he will appear in future projects. Sources say that the decision to scrap two of the four shows was ultimately made by Marvel, not Hulu. Both Disney-owned companies declined comment."
TOPICS: Howard the Duck, Hulu, Marvel’s Tigra & Dazzler Show, Cancelations, Renewals & Pickups, Marvel