The untitled animated series is one of two shows that Tish Cyrus, Miley's mom is developing through their HopeTown Entertainment production company as part of her NBC Universal deal. King of The Hill vets Sivert Glarum and Michael Jamin created the untitlted animated series loosely inspired by the misadventures of the Cyrus family, described as a modern re-imagining of The Beverly Hillbillies. Tish Cyrus is also developing Kentucky Blaze, about a music manager who returns home to Kentucky following her estranged father's death to reconcile with the demons of her past, help revive her mother’s washed up country music career, and start a family weed business in the process. Kentucky Blaze was created by Courtney Hoffman.
TOPICS: Miley Cyrus, Kentucky Blaze, Untitled Cyrus Family Animated Series, Courtney Hoffman, Michael Jamin, Sivert Glarum, Tish Cyrus, In Development, NBC Universal