As the NBC comedy wraps up six seasons, NBC is mulling a spinoff starring series regular Nichole Sakura and recurring player Johnny Pemberton. In Bo & Cheyenne, Pemberton's Derek “Bo” Thompson and Sakura's Cheyenne Thompson balance their big dreams with the harsh realities of being a blue-collar family in America. The proposed spinoff is being written by by Superstore co-executive producers Bridget Kyle and Vicky Luu. Sakura has been with the NBC since the beginning, playing Cheyenne at the beginning of the series as a pregnant high school student who gives birth to a daughter in the first season finale. In Season 2, she marries boyfriend Bo, the father of their daughter, who is an immature, wannabe-rapper husband. Pemberton has appeared in 13 episodes.
TOPICS: Superstore, NBC, Bo & Cheyenne, Johnny Pemberton, Nichole Sakura, In Development