The 10-episode Nat Geo series about Planet Earth, narrated by Smith, "has its heart in the right place," says Darren Franich. "Does it have a head? This is a nonstop parade of vibrant images, a 'visual learning' attention-deficit assault. This is a Science documentary for any Science teacher trying to get kids excited about Science. Smith’s presence points in that direction, too. He’s not just narrating. He speaks to the camera, in front of a blank background. He’s very excited, and when he’s excited, how can you not be? He’s almost Troy McCluring—you may remember me from such Earth adventures as After Earth—but he’s also an endearing everyman, his high-energy line readings stitching together a show built on nature photography, CGI-ish recreation, and astronautical remembrance."
TOPICS: One Strange Rock, National Geographic, Darren Aronofsky, Will Smith