"In late October 2004, South Park aired one of its most iconic episodes—a pre-election installment called “Douche and Turd,” which crystallized the show’s nihilism, political and otherwise," says Laura Bradley. "The douche and turd were an on-the-nose symbol for the idea that in any given election, both politicians tend to be equally unappealing. But on Wednesday night, the long-running animated show defied its central tenet—the one insisting that caring at all is the stupidest position to take in any argument. And it did so in a way that one might imagine could perplex its creators, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, in their younger years. South Park closed its super-sized pandemic special with a simple, (mostly) earnest message: Vote." ALSO: "Pandemic Special" ripped Trump, cops, Disney and more.
TOPICS: South Park, Comedy Central, 2020 Presidential Election, Coronavirus, Trump Presidency