The President Trump antagonist and the former Trump communications director made their debut on The Late Show Wednesday night, one month after The New York Times reported that a show starring the duo was being pitched to CNN and MSNBC. Their Colbert appearance was "sort of Natti & The Mooch Show backdoor pilot," as Deadline put it. But the friends demurred when asked if they were actually auditioning for a show, with Avenatti joking that any show starring them would be "the male version of Thelma and Louise." According to Marlow Stern, their act -- which included testing potential catchphrases like “Are we gonna whine or are we gonna talk?” -- bombed. "That Avenatti and Scaramucci, supposed ideological foes—one of whom is currently representing a woman suing the president, who considers the other a close confidant—are pitching a talk show together feels craven and wrong, and lends credence to charges of self-promotion," says Stern, adding: "Colbert’s bullshi*t detector must have been unplugged, because the late-night host appeared more than fine with having his show be exploited by the two aspiring TV stars. He poured them glasses of rosé, as if it were the fourth hour of the Today show, and lobbed them (mostly) softball questions."
TOPICS: The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, CBS, Anthony Scaramucci, Michael Avenatti, Late Night, Trump Presidency