A 10-episode series based on the acclaimed Japanese director's classic 1950 movie Rashomon is in the works from Spielberg's Amblin Television. The co-presidents of Spielberg's TV production company, Darryl Frank and Justin Falvey, thought the movie's central idea of a single mystery retold over and over from subjective points of view would resonate in an age when the truth feels increasingly malleable. “It really shifts your perspective,” Frank tells the Los Angeles Times. “In this day and age, the idea of chasing the truth and finding out the objective reality was something that appealed to us all.” Kurosawa was a major influence on Spielberg. In 1990, Spielberg and George Lucas presented Kurosawa with an honorary Oscar. “We couldn’t be more excited to adapt this extraordinary film as the foundation for a new dramatic mystery thriller series,” said Frank and Falvey in a statement. “It will explore the boundaries of truth and how different perspectives don’t often reveal the same reality."
TOPICS: Steven Spielberg, Rashomon, Akira Kurosawa, Darryl Frank, Justin Falvey, Amblin Television