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TBS' Lost Resort deserves credit for providing escapism

  • On the 10-episode TBS reality show, premiering Thursday and set at a Costa Rican retreat, healers engage with six women and three men using techniques such as rage rituals, vulnerability circles, sessions of ecstatic dancing and sound and movement healing. "The woo-woo nature of the therapeutics isn’t mocked, but there are enough sideways glances and awkward pauses for Lost Resort to fail as a means for promoting New Age beliefs and practices," says Hank Stuever. "The vicarious experience of watching the show can be somewhat entertaining, but it quickly becomes obvious that TV cameras are the last thing you want in a vulnerability circle that aims for catharsis. It’s hard to tell if the scream therapy is legitimate, or if it’s just one more way for the television to scream at us."

    TOPICS: Lost Resort, TBS, Reality TV