"President Trump arrives in the Oval Office these days as late as noon, when he is usually in a sour mood after his morning marathon of television," report The New York Times' Katie Rogers and Annie Karni. "He has been up in the White House master bedroom as early as 5 a.m. watching Fox News, then CNN, with a dollop of MSNBC thrown in for rage viewing. He makes calls with the TV on in the background, his routine since he first arrived at the White House. But now there are differences. The president sees few allies no matter which channel he clicks. He is angry even with Fox, an old security blanket, for not portraying him as he would like to be seen. And he makes time to watch Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s briefings from New York, closely monitoring for a sporadic compliment or snipe."
TOPICS: Trump Presidency, CNN, Fox News Channel, MSNBC, Cable News, Coronavirus