Titled The X-Files: Albuquerque, the potential animated series "will not revolve around David Duchovny‘s Mulder and Gillian Anderson‘s Scully," according to TVLine's Michael Ausiello. "Rather, the potential series will center an office full of misfit agents who investigate X-Files cases too wacky, ridiculous or downright dopey for Mulder and Scully to bother with. They’re essentially the X-Files’ B-team." X-Files creator Chris Carter will serve as executive producer, but he won't be involved in the writing and day-to-day showrunning of the potential series. Rocky Russo and Jeremy Sosenko, who worked together on the animated comedies Brickleberry and Paradise PD, will pen the pilot, with former X-Files writer Gabe Rotter also serving as executive producer.
TOPICS: The X-Files, FOX, The X-Files: Albuquerque, Chris Carter, Gabe Rotter, Jeremy Sosenko, Rocky Russo, In Development