Co-creators Marshall Herskovitz and Ed Zwick are reviving their beloved 1987-1991 ABC drama series for MGM Television. The potential sequel series is "garnering interest from multiple networks, including ABC, which aired the original series," according to Deadline's Nellie Andreeva, who adds: "Written by thirtysomething creators Herskovitz and Zwick and to be directed by Zwick, I hear the followup series revolves around the children of the characters in the original show, which are now 30-something themselves. I hear the intention is for original cast members to reprise their roles but no one is set yet and there have been no formal talks." The cast of Thirtysomething reunited just last year at the ATX TV Festival, where star Polly Draper described the show as groundbreaking. "It wasn’t written like a TV show It was different from what I have seen before. This bridged the gap (between film and TV) and changed the whole course of TV history.”
TOPICS: Thirtysomething, Ed Zwick, Marshall Herskovitz, Polly Draper, In Development, MGM Television, Revivals