Dunham's apology in The Hollywood Reporter on Wednesday to Perrineau for defending Girls writer Murray Miller after Perrineau accused him of sexual assault was her "worst apology yet," says Heidi Stevens. "A year ago, Dunham lied in order to discredit a woman who had just gone to the police to report a sexual assault," says Stevens. "On Wednesday, she penned a rambling, pretentious opus about women in Hollywood ('Heroines have emerged. We are cracking open windows and beating down doors. The air is circulating and the light is pouring in,') and sneaked a whiny, halfhearted mea culpa into the ninth paragraph. We’re so used to Dunham apologizing at this point (Lena Dunham Apologizes is an actual Twitter handle) that we went ahead and lumped this garbage onto her giant apology pile."
TOPICS: Lena Dunham, HBO, Girls, Aurora Perrineau, Murray Miller, Sexual Misconduct