From Riverdale to The Handmaid’s Tale to Mindhunter, the color blue has become a big part of several TV shows in the past year. “Television is drowning in a sea of blue and it’s not just the deep hues of Blue Planet II,” says Lara Williams. “There has been a recent spate of shows that favor scenes with ethereal blues that glow eerily and make everything look cold and metallic. The Handmaid’s Tale opened with Offred (Elisabeth Moss) taking scant inventory of the small space she is permitted to inhabit, gazing at the shatterproof glass of her bedroom window. Just in case we were not sold on the unremitting desolation of this universe, everything is drenched in a deep, oceanic blue.” She adds: “Blue isn’t just associated with dread and hopelessness – it can be cadaverous and frozen – but according to color psychology, it invokes feelings of calmness and peace.”
TOPICS: Cinematography, The Handmaid's Tale, Mindhunter, Riverdale