CBS has given a series order to its television adaptation of James Cameron's 1994 film True Lies. The new series tells the story of a suburban housewife (Ginger Gonzaga) who discovers that her computer consultant husband (Steve Howey) is actually an international spy. She's then recruited to work alongside her husband and save the world as they try to revitalize their passionless marriage.
In addition to Gonzaga and Howey, who take on Jamie Lee Curtis and Arnold Schwarzenegger's roles from the original film, other cast members include Erica Hernandez, Omar Miller, Mike O’Gorman, Annabella Didion, and Lucas Jaye. Matt Nix, McG, Cameron, and 20th Television serve as producers.
True Lies TV has had quite the journey to the small screen. In 2017, Fox attempted to adapt Cameron's film into a series, but that pilot was never picked up. McG continued to advocate for the drama, and in February 2021, CBS finally ordered a pilot — only to push it back to be considered this year. According to Deadline, the network is now targeting a midseason premiere date for the reboot, which it will join other freshman series Fire Country, East New York, and So Help Me Todd in CBS' 2022-2023 lineup.
Deena ElGenaidi's writing has been featured in Nylon, MTV News, Insider, The AV Club, and more. You can follow her on Twitter @deenaelg.
TOPICS: True Lies, CBS, Ginger Gonzaga, Steve Howey