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U.K. Prime Minister Debate Canceled After Presenter Kate McCann Faints On Air

McCann emerged from the scary incident unharmed.
  • Liz Truss reacting to Kate McCann's fall (Photo: Talk TV/Twitter)
    Liz Truss reacting to Kate McCann's fall (Photo: Talk TV/Twitter)

    During a live debate between British prime minister candidates Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak, presenter Kate McCann fainted on the set, resulting in the debate being canceled.

    Truss was responding to a question on camera when a loud thud was heard off-screen as McCann fell to the floor. Truss stopped mid-sentence and was visibly shaken as she walked off camera to assist.

    According to Talk TV, McCann emerged unharmed, but the debate was canceled as a result of the scary incident.

    "Kate McCann fainted on air tonight and although she is fine, the medical advice was that we shouldn't continue with the debate. We apologise to our viewers and listeners," Talk TV wrote in a Tweet.

    Truss also wished McCann well, writing, "Relieved to hear Kate McCann is fine. Really sorry that such a good debate had to end. Look forward to catching up with Kate and the rest of the The Sun Talk TV team again soon."

    Deena ElGenaidi's writing has been featured in Nylon, MTV News, Insider, The AV Club, and more. You can follow her on Twitter @deenaelg.

    TOPICS: Kate McCann, Liz Truss, politics